The Way of Product
The Way of Product with Caden Damiano
20 - What happened to Tivo? With Robin Hayes

20 - What happened to Tivo? With Robin Hayes

All right! You guys are in for a treat! 

In this episode, I talked with an OG designer from Silicon Valley, Robin Hayes.

Back in the day, he worked on a little thing called TiVo, helping design one of the most iconic user experiences in the history of our profession and helping TiVo become one of the first brands that had a reputation for good CX (which wasn't very common back then).

We talk about the rise and fall TiVo and discuss what happens when you nail the user experience and the company no longer wants to innovate.

We then discuss his pivot from engineering to UX because of the lack of rigor from a designer that worked with him. He holds over two decades of experience working at Samsung's UX lab, consulting for VR companies and is now an indie VR game developer making  Oculus VR games.

So take notes. He shares a ton in this episode.

The Way of Product
The Way of Product with Caden Damiano
A podcast on overcoming the challenges of collaboration within a product team.
If you want to develop strong soft skills, product sense, and design taste, this show is for you!